FS2000. C-47A Army Air Force, based
on original photograph by Jerry Erickson, at RAF
Duxford, England, August 1966 and other sources included
in the download. Registration Number 315509 of the
US Army Air Force. The military DC-3, best known as the
"Dakota". One of the most successful aircraft ever, and
amongst the most important instruments of victory in
WWII. More than 13300 of the DC-3 in all its forms
were built. Features 36 sided weathered fuselage
and engine nacelles, 24 sided airfoil wing and
horizontal stabalizer profiles. A complete 3d model.
Animated control surfaces, props, landing gear and rolling
wheels. Night textures and cockpit with crew. Very easy to
fly as well as stable. Original Aircraft by Lou Volland,
repaint by Bob Bongiovanni.


INSTALLATION: Unzip the file "c-47army.zip"
into your "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2000\Aircraft"
Folder. Your should end up with a folder named "C-47 Army".
Under the folder "C-47 Army", you will have four folders:


When selecting this aircraft in FS2000
it will read "C-47 Army". If you have
any problems with this aircraft,
e-mail me at the address below.


See "COPYRIGHT.TXT" and "Original file_id.diz"
for Lou Volland's comments.

See file "C-47 Information.txt".

PHOTO's BY: Jerry Erickson, at RAF Duxford, England, August 1966
See files "dc-3front_photograph.jpg" and "dc-3tail_photograph.jpg".

PANELS: If you don't like the panel selected, there are
several great panels for the C-47, or DC-3 on SurClaro.

SOUND: This C-47 uses the C-182 sound files, but
there are several releases of sounds for C-47, or DC-3 on
SurClaro and elsewhere on the Internet.

TEXTURES: All blemishes in the texture are purposely placed
to make the aircraft look weathered.

All of my C182RG, T-41, Extra 300S and Learjet 45 aircraft can be flown
in CFS2 by downloading the CFS DP files created by JEAN-JACQUES
PAREL. Several of my aircraft are in military colors and suitable for CFS1.
You can search for his files by using the file search function. Search for
"Parel" or use the specific file names listed below. You can also search for
all of my aircraft under "Bongiovanni" to determine if you want to use any
of my Military version aircraft in CFS2

For the C182RG and T-41, download file - JP_DPRG.ZIP
For the Extra 300S, download file - JP_DPEX.ZIP
For the Learjet 45, Download file - JP_DPL45.ZIP

NOTES: If you like to fly out of Meigs Airport, you should download the file
"Meigs1.zip from SurClaro. You will love how he improved the scenery.
Look for quality scenery and tutorials by Andreas Klisch.

If you are looking for excellent quality aircraft, go to "file search" on SurClaro
and look for aircraft by "Mike Field" and "Jean-Jacques Parel". You won't be dissapointed.
You can search by their name in the file search area.